Expo Insurance in a nutshell

As an independent Insurance Brokerage, Expo insurance brokers is able to offer a wide range of products to suit your needs. These insurance products are offered through our insurance company partners, who are financially sound, industry leading insurers.

Testimonials from people like you

I have had the pleasure of having Expo Insurance as my coverage provider for my cars, house and personal insurance for the last 11 years. I have always received sage advice regarding additions or changes to my insurance including considerations for the change of companies. The knowledge of the staff of this brokerage firm is superior to the many companies I have dealt with over my 50 years of driving. I am totally secure in the knowledge that should a claim result due to an catastrophic event that my family would receive immediate support and the utmost of consideration minimizing the impact of such an event.
- John R. Scott, Rockwood, ON